2nd Vienna Conference on Pluralism in Economics
The demand for more pluralism in economics stems from the belief that the contemporary economic discourse is unable to provide suitable answers for and solutions to the various, multi-dimensional problems we are facing today. Where individual economic theories fail, pluralism in economics can capture and depict the complexity of economic phenomena and their embeddedness into social, ecological, political and historical systems. Communication between different schools of economic thought as well as strengthened inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives can help to shed light on unsolved real world (economic) issues and will avoid bias and intellectual stagnation. For this purpose, neglected but critical economic perspectives need to be given a platform. With this in mind, the Society for Pluralism in Economics Vienna is pleased to announce hosting the 2nd Vienna Conference on Pluralism in Economics.
The following topics will be at the core of the conference:
- Teaching and Theory
- Sustainability and Development
- Methodology and Modelling
- Economic Policy and Redistribution
Keynote speakers include Silja Graupe, interim President, head of the Institute of Economics and Professor for Economics and Philosophy at Cusanus Hochschule, and Jakob Kapeller, Professor for Plural Economics at the University Duisburg-Essen.Additionally, the Egon-Matzner-Prize for Socioeconomics, a prize for outstanding academic achievements of young economists, will be awarded in the framework at conference.
Date: 15-16 April 2019
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Here you find more information conference.plurale-oekonomik.at
For questions contact conference@plurale-oekonomik.at