Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe
Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Bachelor of Arts)

Theorienvielfalt statt geistiger Monokultur: Alte Institutionenökonomik, Evolutorische Ökonomik, Feministische Ökonomik, Glücksforschung, Marxistische Ökonomik, Ökologische Ökonomik, Postkeynesianismus und Postwachstumsökonomik. Methodenvielfalt statt angewandter Mathematik: wir behandeln alle sozialwissenschaftlichen Methoden kritisch-reflexiv und ordnen sie stets
geistesgeschichtlich ein (z.B. im Modul Introduction to Scientific Methods). Selbstreflexion statt unhinterfragter, normativer Annahmen – unser „bread & butter“ als Hochschule, in der philosophische und ethische Reflektion Teil aller Studiengänge ist. Integration pluraler Lehrbücher in das Studium – siehe das Modul „Pluralist Economics“ – siehe auch diverse Initiativen (z.B. decolonising the curriculum). Abkehr von Thomson Reuters Impact Factor als alleinigem Maßstab für gute Forschung – nicht relevant für uns. Wir haben 100% Besetzung der Lehrstühle mit heterodoxen ÖkonomInnen.


„You are interested in economics – but not the one that is limited to mathematics. You know that the world is more than just profit and simple cost/benefit analyses that leave people out. You have always wondered why it is always economists that are asked about crises in the media when philosophers are never asked for a solution. You long for answers to the questions about equitable co-existence and fair trade. You strive to find a different approach to an economic system that brings not just prosperity, but sustainability and justice to all.“

„Our BA in PPE is critical and progressive, and looks at economics through a cultural, political and socially reflective lense. The BA includes a semester abroad, is taught exclusively in English (within a highly international study body) and emphasises the practical application of PPE. A further focus is on close collaboration with professors and teaching staff in small groups as well as personal development (this includes mandatory courses in languages from Spanish, Chinese or French and other UN languages as well as courses in area studies and a regional specialization).“

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Informationsstand: 02.08.2023