University of Greenwich London
Economics (Master of Science)

This is a new programme with courses that will be taught by world leading economists working in the heterodox tradition including Ozlem Onaran, Maria Nikolaidi, Alberto Botta, Cem Oyvat, Tomas Rotta. Their research interests cover a wide range of issues, in research interests of the including development, distribution and growth, value theory, European integration, monetary policy and the environment, etc.

The programme consists of core and selective courses, covering mainstream and alternative perspectives. All students are required to take quantitative methods, macroeconomics, microeconomics, applied econometrics, and complete a dissertation in a thesis of their own choice. On top of this, students take four courses from the optional selection below. This MSc is unique in being truly pluralist, while retaining a focus on rigorous quantitative methods. Mainstream models are studied alongside alternative competing perspectives. Theory is looked at in its historical context, and students are encouraged to engage critically with differing schools of thought. For an overview of the different courses offered, please see below.


„This MSc is perfect for anyone who is interested in learning how we move beyond mainstream theory. You gain a thorough understanding of mainstream models, and methodologies, while are also building an introductory knowledge to alternative perspectives, in particular Post-Keynesian and Marxist theory. The quality of the teaching is excellent and staff are friendly and approachable. Being the first year of the masters, it definitely feels like being the start of something new, alternative and exciting.“

Website des Studiengangs:

Informationsstand: 14/11/2023